Thursday, December 30, 2010

What defines me?

My small world...
I lead a very compact life...comprising 8 family members...of whom only one lives with me...-not that the others hate least 6 of them don't...- and 3 friends...who I will refer to as IVY...
Not much of a life...anyone would say...but hey! You have to make the most of what you have right?! And that's what I have done so far with my life...The fact that there are so few people in my life actually magnifies the value of each one of them to humongous proportions...
These are the people who love me...and would miss me,was I to die today...
But then there are people(person) I love...who are not a part of my life...and I know that I can't be a part of theirs...I have failed many a time to make little room for myself in the lives of other people...may be I don't try hard enough...may be I am just to scared of what they would say...

As a child I had always been taught not to be friends with naughty boys...RESULT: I end up having a lonely childhood...
I had always been told not to indulge in any activity that could cause me physical harm...and hence I have grown up playing Monopoly and Life alone in the confines of my bedroom...RESULT: I suck at playing sports...and hence missed out on another opportunity to make friends...
I was told that books were my best friends....RESULT: I grew listening to taunts that I am a dork...
I was told that God punishes liars....RESULT: I ended up getting punished by the rest that weren't told that...

If I was to say I had a normal would mean that the rest didn't...and again the world would have another reason to disagree with me...

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